
Hello From Reverend Ike Student!

Hello! And Welcome to my blog! My name is Eleia and I started this blog for the purpose of publicly sharing my journey as a new student of the late and great Reverend Ike! I recently learned about him after a friend of mine shared him with me. She told me to look him up on Youtube. I had never heard of Reverend Ike before! That's right, never! I been in church my whole life and I have followed and continue to follow many preachers, prophets, ministers, thought leaders, etc. Recently, I have become and fan and follower of Angels with Fran. She also can be found on Youtube and Instagram. Anyhow, so after searching up Reverend IKe, I have fallen in love with his teachings! I have now purchased a couple of his mp3s that can be found on his website, So I want to blog about what I am learning from Reverend Ike and how my life has changed from his teachings! This is so that if people come across his teachings, even though he is already well known, I